87 research outputs found

    Conducting Research Despite Travel Restrictions

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    At the time of writing, May 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all aspects of life around the world, and academic research is no exception. It is also widely predicted that even after the present pandemic calms down, international travel restrictions are likely to remain in place in some shape or form for the foreseeable future. Researchers are seeking ways to move their projects forward despite the unprecedented challenges of lockdowns and social distancing measures. This brief guide, adapted from the module Technology-Enhanced Research, aims to provide researchers at SOAS with some practical pointers in navigating such challenges

    The Korean presidential election of 2007: 5 years on from the "Internet election"

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    NCRM Bitesize Lessons for Teaching Social Science Research Methods 4: Teaching Digital Methods to Students without Technology Backgrounds

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    This document is the fourth guide in the series NCRM Bitesize Lessons for Teaching Social Science Research Methods. It focuses on digital methods. While there is no consensus on a single definition, the term ‘digital methods’ is frequently attributed to Richard Rogers at the University of Amsterdam. He advocates for the use of digitally native data, such as social media posts, geolocation data, and web search results, to explore broader social and cultural issues. Those who subscribe to this definition usually differentiate between digital methods and virtual methods. The latter refers to digitised extensions of traditional methods, such as online surveys and interviews. Consequently, digital methods are often associated with large datasets and computational techniques. However, this guide adopts a more inclusive perspective, encompassing digital ethnography and other qualitative approaches


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    Effect of the Extract of Endophytic fungus, Nigrospora sphaerica CL-OP 30, Against the Growth of Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Klebsiella pneumonia cells

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    Purpose: To investigate the effect of the ethyl acetate extract of endophytic fungus, Nigrospora sphaerica CL-OP 30 against the growth of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Klebsiella pneumonia cells.Methods: Time-kill assay was used to examine the effect of the extract on the bacterial growth profile. The effects of extract on ultrastructure of MRSA and K. pneumoniae cells were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM).Results: The time-kill test revealed that the bacteriocidal activity of the extract was both concentrationand time-dependent. After 12 h treatment, interaction of extract with MRSA cells resulted in the formation of pit, disintegration of cell wall and membrane, and ultimately cell death, while K. pneumoniae cells became crumpled, and the cell walls and membranes disintegrated, resulting in leakage of their cytoplasmic contents.Conclusion: These data suggest that the Nigrospora sphaerica CL-OP 30 extract principally affects the cell wall in growing MRSA and K. pneumonia cells.Keywords: Endophytic fungus, Nigrospora sphaerica, Antimicrobial activity, Cellular structure degeneratio

    Characteristics of virtual unipolar electrograms for detecting isthmus block during radiofrequency ablation of typical atrial flutter

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    AbstractObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the second component of local virtual unipolar electrograms recorded at the ablation line during coronary sinus (CS) pacing after radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) for typical atrial flutter (AFL).BackgroundRadiofrequency ablation of the CTI can produce local double potentials at the ablation line. The second component of unipolar electrograms represents the approaching wavefront in the right atrium opposite the pacing site. We hypothesized that the morphologic characteristics of the second component of double potentials would be useful in detecting complete CTI block.MethodsRadiofrequency ablation of the CTI was performed in 52 patients (males = 37, females = 15, 62 ± 12 years) with typical AFL. The noncontact mapping system (Ensite 3000, Endocardial Solutions, St. Paul, Minnesota) was used to guide RFA. Virtual unipolar electrograms along the ablation line during CS pacing after RFA were analyzed. Complete or incomplete CTI block was confirmed by the activation sequence on the halo catheter and noncontact mapping.ResultsThree groups were classified after ablation. Group I (n = 37) had complete bidirectional CTI block. During CS pacing, the second component of unipolar electrograms showed an R or Rs pattern. Group II (n = 12) had incomplete CTI block. The second component of unipolar electrograms showed an rS pattern. Group III (n = 3) had complete CTI block with transcristal conduction. The second component of unipolar electrograms showed an rSR pattern.ConclusionsA predominant R-wave pattern in the second component of unipolar double potentials at the ablation line indicates complete CTI block, even in the presence of transcristal conduction

    Poboljšanje mikrobiološke ispravnosti borovnica pomoću polimernih nanočestica s timolom

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    Research background. The presence of Yersinia enterocolitica on raw food products raises the concern of yersiniosis as most of the berries are consumed raw. This is a challenging issue from the food safety aspect since it could increase the occurrence of foodborne diseases among humans. Thus, it is crucial to implement an effective sanitation before the packaging. Experimental approach. This study aims to synthesize and characterize thymol-loaded polyvinyl alcohol (Thy/PVA) nanoparticles as a sanitizer for postharvest treatment of blueberries. Thy/PVA nanoparticles were characterized by spectroscopic and microscopic approaches, prior to the analyses of antimicrobial properties. Results and conclusions. The diameter size of the nanoparticles was on average 84.7 nm, with a surface charge of −11.73 mV. Based on Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) measurement, the Thy/PVA nanoparticles notably shifted to the frequency of 3275.70, 2869.66, 1651.02 and 1090.52 cm-1. A rapid burst was observed in the first hour of release study, and 74.9 % thymol was released from the PVA nanoparticles. The largest inhibition zone was displayed by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), followed by Y. enterocolitica and Salmonella typhi. However, amongst these bacteria, the inhibition and killing of Y. enterocolitica required a lower concentration of Thy/PVA nanoparticles. The treatment successfully reduced the bacterial load of Y. enterocolitica on blueberries by 100 %. Novelty and scientific contribution. Thymol is a plant-based chemical without reported adverse effects to humans. In this study, by using the nanotechnology method of encapsulation with PVA, we improved the stability and physicochemical properties of thymol. This nanoparticle-based sanitizer could potentially promote the postharvest microbiological safety of raw berries, which may become an alternative practice of food safety.Pozadina istraživanja. Prisutnost bakterije Yersinia enterocolitica u sirovim prehrambenim proizvodima izaziva zabrinutost zbog moguće pojave jersinioze, s obzirom na to da se bobičasto voće najčešće konzumira sirovo. S aspekta sigurnosti hrane ova bakterija predstavlja problem, jer može povećati učestalost pojave bolesti koje se prenose hranom. Stoga je neophodno provesti učinkovitu sanitaciju voća prije pakiranja. Eksperimentalni pristup. Svrha je ovoga rada bila sintetizirati i okarakterizirati nanočestice poli(vinil-alkohola) s timolom kao dezinficijensom za obradu borovnica prije pakiranja. Nanočestice su okarakterizirane pomoću spektroskopije i mikroskopije, a zatim su ispitana njihova antimikrobna svojstva. Rezultati i zaključci. Prosječni promjer nanočestica bio je 84,7 nm, s površinskim nabojem od −11,73 mV. Rezultati Fourier transformirane infracrvene spektroskopije (FTIR) pokazuju značajan pomak pika nanočestica poli(vinil-alkohola) s timolom prema frekvencijama od 3275,70; 2869,66; 1651,02 i 1090,52 cm-1. Iznenadni porast količine timola oslobođenog iz nanočestica opažen je u prvih sat vremena ispitivanja njegovog kontroliranog otpuštanja, a ukupno je otpušteno 74,9 % timola. Opažena je najveća zona inihbicije rasta bakterije Staphylococcus aureus otporne na meticilin (MRSA), a zatim bakterija Y. enterocolitica i Salmonella typhi. Međutim, za inhibiciju i ubijanje bakterija Y. enterocolitica bile su potrebne manje koncentracije nanočestica poli(vinil-alkohola) s timolom. Ovim je postupkom broj bakterija Y. enterocolitica uspješno smanjen za 100 %. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Timol je spoj biljnog porijekla, koji ne narušava zdravlje čovjeka. U ovome smo radu inkapsulacijom u omotaču s poli(vinil-alkoholom) povećali stabilnost i poboljšali fizikalno-kemijska svojstva timola. Primjenom nanočestica tog dezinficijensa može se poboljšati mikrobiološka ispravnost sirovog bobičastog voća, što se u praksi može primijeniti za očuvanje sigurnosti hrane